Capoeta turani - новый вид карповых (Cyprinidae) из Турции

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Capoeta turani - новый вид карповых (Cyprinidae) из Турции

Сообщение Yan » Чт янв 29, 2009 7:11 am

Capoeta turani
M. Ozulu & J. Freyhofg, 2008

Capoeta turani, new species, from Seyhan drainage, southern Anatolia, is distinguished from other Anatolian Capoeta by having 64-70 total scales in lateral line, head and lateral body silvery with few distinct, small black spots in adults and juveniles, last simple dorsal-fin ray strong, spinous, strongly serrated and shorter than head. Capoeta barroisi persica and C. b. mandica from Iran are re-examined. Capoeta mandica represents a valid species; the status of C. b. persica is not yet clear.
Capoeta turani, a new species of barbel from River Seyhan, Turkey (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
M. Ozulu & J. Freyhofg
Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 289-296, 2008
